Make it Count.

It is nearly 9am 31st December 2023 in Australia. We are on the verge of a fresh new year 2024.

I cannot help but think about how to make the new year count when I look back at the past year.

One of the biggest changes I had was in my work life.

The company I worked with for nearly 4 years lost their contract so we were all made redundant. The new company that was given the contract offered everyone to continue in their jobs. This is where I had an opportunity to make a change. There were aspects of my job that I loved which involved assisting people who had disabilities to gain employment. Then there were the dreaded KPI’s. Key performance indicators! Unrealistic, unhelpful carrot dangling exercises that were there to push you every month for results. No amount of pushing, pressure or techniques really made any difference. When working with people who have disabilities there are so many variables that need to be considered and sadly the industry I was working in doesnt truly take that into account.

Numbers, numbers and numbers. Push, push, and keep pushing. Never mind about the person in front of you that you are supposed to be assisting into a suitable job. Get those numbers coming in!

These unrealistic expectations (KPI’s) created intense pressure, competition between colleagues and toxicity. I tried my best to stay away from toxicity however it was around me most days. Staff shortages led to working on my own a lot and in the end it burnt me out on all ends. I put my heart and soul into each person that I was supporting and yet in the end I had to decide if it was the right job for me given the nature of how it works from the top down.

When we were all informed of the redundancy months prior I had started looking for opportunities and put my application forward for some positions away from what I was currently doing. I had made it onto a merit list with no guarantee of an actual job. ON the very last day of cleaning up the office that was closing down I was pushed to the brink of what I could handle. At that point I decided this is enough! I am not going to continue with the new company and sent in my resignation before I even started. I am not someone that takes risks to that extent. I had no guarantee of a new job I only knew that I couldn’t put myself through this any longer, my time was up! I sent in my resignation on the Thursday evening and Friday morning got a call from the employer that had me on a merit list asking to come in for an informal chat.

From Friday morning to Tuesday morning I waited to hear back. I got the call and was offered a position starting in a few weeks. I let go of the old to start with the new.

At the end of July I started in my new role in human resources a whole new role in a new environment. It has involved ALOT of learning on my end. It was not easy by any means however it was my stepping stone to leave another chapter behind and move forward. Toxicity is not allowed in my new work environment. I am protected from all sides. I am in a much better environment when it comes to work, health and safety. I don’t need to battle with mental mind games any longer. Work loads are monitored. You are taken care of as an employee.

I made my last year count by taking the risk, making the move.

Let’s see what the new year brings!

Wishing you all a very “Happy New Year”, all around the world.

Remember to take care of yourself and family.

Author: Anu mari ~ Make every moment count.

A mother of five, working full-time and enjoy writing blogs which are inspired by my own journey. A journey filled with ups and downs and many lessons. Life is filled with change. We will be faced with change we cant control and the change we can which comes down to our choices and the decisions we make. Sometimes we put decisions off hoping things will change and then they don't. That's when we need to decide?

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